
In our factory, on a closed area of 4,000 m^2, in Nilüfer Organized Industrial Zone, we produce aluminium profiles. Our profiles supply a wide range of industries including energy, furniture, automotive, construction, machine, textile, and lighting. In our factory, for production we possess: aluminium extrusion press, aluminium aging oven, electrostatic powder painting facility, two-headed cutting machine, one-headed cutting machine. Our purpose is to have efficient and sustainable production; and to have the complete content of our workers.

- Press Name: May
- Press Power: 800 tons
- Core Diameter: 132 mm
- Billet Diameter: 127 mm
- Minimum Cutting Length: 2,000 mm
- Maximum Cutting Length: 8,800 mm
- Capacity: 200 tons/month

- Oven Width: 3,000 mm
- Oven Depth: 7,500 mm
- Capacity: 260 tons/month

Electrostatic Powder Paint:
- Hanger Type: Horizontal
- Bar Length: 6,000 mm
- Oven Width: 500 mm
- Capacity: 120 tons/month

- Minimum Cutting Length: 30 mm
- Maximum Cutting Length: 6,000 mm
- Capacity: 160 tons/month